Working responsibly and safely not only with genetic results

Working responsibly and safely not only with genetic results

Cutting-edge technologies in medicine have the potential to help in almost every aspect of human health. They can make prevention more effective, diagnosis more accurate or treatment more optimal.


"As the amount of health data grows, so does the need to handle it carefully and responsibly. Our goal is to help physicians make more informed decisions and individuals understand their health."


Petr Stepanek

Co-CEO, author of the Macromo idea


Communicating risk with caution and discretion

Our goal is to raise awareness among the general public about prevention and a proactive approach to improving health. But not at the risk of causing harm to the psychological health of our clients. We are a leader in the growing trend of processing ever-increasing amounts of health data. We never quantify genetic results that are intended for users of our mobile app, as this could lead to significant misinterpretation, especially when trying to communicate detailed statistical principles to the general public. We discuss all results with geneticists and physicians. We aim to show people that genetics is not everything. On the contrary, there are actually many more factors that determine our health. Our vision is therefore to link health data to offer a holistic view. 


We show preventable diseases

We provide information regarding the risks of diseases that are worth knowing about in advance, given their preventability, to both users of our app and doctors nowadays. We do not deal with risks that cannot be prevented or treated, as we believe that their communication and treatment belongs in the hands of an experienced physician or geneticist. At the same time, it should be noted that such diseases are already very well captured by our current healthcare system. Our aim is to improve the prevention of these diseases, which are often dealt with only after they have developed into serious problems.

We help doctors to make more informed decisions

As the number of examination methods, smart devices and laboratory tests grows, so does the amount of data a doctor can consider in their decision-making. We believe that the availability of more data increases the chances of early diagnosis and effective treatment, but it also makes the decision-making process much more challenging for doctors as there are more factors to work with. Our system deterministically evaluates large-scale health data from advanced methods such as whole-genome sequencing and presents it to physicians in a processable form.

Medicine should be more precise and targeted

Medicine should not adhere to the adage that there is no such thing as a healthy person, only an under-screened person. We do not seek to encourage the unjustified prescription of drugs or tests without deeper meaning or suspicion. On the contrary, we approach human health information analytically so that we can help physicians make more informed decisions that are complementary to current medical practice processes. We analyze health history combined with genetic risks, blood test results over time, and based on this we can recommend further preventive steps for both the app user and the collaborating physicians to whom we provide detailed recommendations.   

We promote a responsible approach to genetic testing

The number of players in the market providing genetic testing to end customers has grown significantly over the past few years. On the positive side, the overall awareness of the application of this modern method in practice is rising, but on the negative side, there is little control over the quality of the results delivered. Macromo is countering the efforts to regulate this sector in the European market by voluntarily seeking to become the only solution of its kind to be registered as a medical device under the EU MDR regulation so far.  

Our approach to science and technology

Our methodology is based on rigorous, uncontroversial studies from many independent authors. As a result, our results maintain objectivity and transparency. In addition, we use laboratory technologies with quality levels that meet diagnostic standards. Our approach, while technologically advanced, is firmly rooted in basic scientific principles and best practices.

We handle data securely within the EU

We cooperate with the Czech laboratory SPADIA and the German laboratory Eurofins Genomics. All data is stored in a secure repository in the EU and is never linked to the identity of the test subject, which is pseudonymised in our system.

The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed

We bring the latest methods from the lab and research into practice to benefit ordinary people, doctors and their patients. With our solutions, we are prolonging people's active health, making an otherwise nearly dysfunctional prevention system work, and making the world a happier place.