Discover Hidden Health Risks

With Macromo, you can learn about your genetic predisposition and make adequate lifestyle modifications that can prevent or significantly slow down the progression of many serious conditions.

Know your risks for 76+ diseases and get personalized recommendations for your health
Know your risks for 76+ diseases and get personalized recommendations for your health
Easy tests from the comfort of your home
Easy tests from the comfort of your home
Consult your results with a specialist
Consult your results with a specialist

Taking charge of your health has never been easier

  • 90%

    of diabetes type 2 cases can be prevented through lifestyle changes and regular blood controls.

  • 80%

    of heart attacks are preventable in people who are ready to change their habits and monitor their health.

  • 50%

    of all cancers can be prevented if you know your predisposition and take actionable steps towards prevention.

Start your Prevention with the Right Tools

Learn your Risks for 76+ Diseases

Whether you want to prevent a disease that runs in your family, check your cholesterol levels, or learn how to improve your lifestyle, get clear insights to make lasting health changes.studií.

Civilization Diseases

Identify your potential risks for prevalent diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, based on your genetics, biomarkers, and lifestyle. Learn how to effectively prevent these ailments and maintain your active, fulfilling life longer.

Numerous Types of Cancer

Learning about your predispositions to cancer types such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, or colon cancer helps you develop your personal prevention plan to minimize your risks.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Problems like coronary artery disease, aortic aneurysm, and high pressure affect your heart and vascular health and can lead to dangerous complications. However, these are preventable through lifestyle changes.

Allergies and Intolerances

Histamine intolerance, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and various allergies affect up to 40% of the population. Knowing your body’s sensitivities can help you ease the symptoms or get rid of them completely.

Other Diseases

Gout, deep vein thrombosis, Crohn's disease and many more are diseases that affect people’s lives are curable or even totally preventable today.

1000+ people trust Macromo

Your health is our top priority. See how Macromo tests have helped our customers live healthier and happier lives.

  • Pavla


    Macromo Blood Women's Health

    Macromo Blood Women's Health test was a game-changer! At-home blood sample collection was painless and easy to do. I found thyroid issue early, took action, and now I am confident to lead a healthier life!

  • Michal


    Macromo DNA Premium

    The test helped me to identify my genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease, including an increased risk of coronary heart disease, and to start a healthier lifestyle. The app gave me personalized recommendations on how to minimize my risk of manifesting the disease.

  • Lenka


    Macromo DNA Health

    As a geneticist I encourage everyone to discover their genetic predisposition to take proactive steps to prevent or delay the onset of health problems. Being proactive about your health will help you live longer and healthier.

Which test is the right for you?

Better Health Starts Here

Understand your Health

Get a comprehensive view of your health with our integrated approach. 

See your Results Improve

A step-by-step guide to achieving your health goals powered by AI.

Get Personalized Protocols

Make lifestyle changes and see health improvement over time.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Macromo helps with disease prevention?

Macromo offers a complex approach to disease prevention, combining your genetic predispositions to certain diseases; blood work to assess your current health state; family history and lifestyle data. We believe that knowledge is power and when you have a complete picture, you can take actionable steps to prevent numerous diseases through lifestyle changes and regular monitoring.

What is the difference between a DNA test and a Blood test when it comes to disease prevention?

DNA test assesses your genetic risks of developing a number of diseases. These results do not change during your life - nor do they mean you will develop the diseases in question. The test indicates your predisposition, but you can prevent many diseases through lifestyle changes and regular check-ups. Blood tests assess your health at the moment. This is one of the most accurate lab tests - 70% of all medical diagnoses depend on blood work results. However, these results change over time, meaning you need to monitor your biomarkers regularly to be up-to-date with your health state.

How long does it take to collect the sample and process the results?

Sampling usually takes only a few minutes and you can easily do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. For our DNA tests, it consists of collecting about 2 ml of saliva in a vial of prepared stabilizing solution, which you will receive in the test kit together with a prepaid envelope for returning the sample. You will get your results in 60 days in the Macromo app.

For our blood tests, the process is simple and pain-free, as you collect a few ml of blood in two vials provided for you. After returning the sample following the same procedure as with the DNA kits, you will get your results in the Macromo app within 5 business days.

How will my data be stored and secured?

As a European based company, we follow strict GDPR rules when handling your personal data. We have set up the entire process so that your data is anonymous and completely safe.

All biological samples are processed and sequenced (read) in the European Union and once the process is complete, the samples are disposed of. Our partner labs are certified and follow ISO 17025 quality compliance processes and comply with GDPR to protect your security and privacy.

All data is your property at all times. You can download them or request their deletion from our secure storage at any time. We never sell your data to third parties.